

We are a company dedicated to the manufacture and marketing of high value-added ceramic tile solutions with a high vocation for service, aimed at satisfying the promotion, placement and decoration needs of our clients and prescribers worldwide.


We want to be the reference partner for our clients – regardless of their size and location – when they think of quality, differentiating designs and ceramic solutions tailored to their needs.


Seriousness: Our word is as solid as the best contract.
Design: our creations have a high aesthetic component.
Flexibility: we adapt to customer needs.
Agility: quick response to any customer need.
Resolute: whatever the challenge posed by the customer, we find the solution.



60 years of experience manufacturing ceramic wall and floor tiles today endorse our main company values.

With these values and with our staff, we are able to fulfill our permanent commitment to the environment, we are increasing the degree of reliability in the eyes of others and we intend to be able to get our customers excited.

Thanks to this trajectory we know that our goal is to achieve deep and lasting relationships with all social agents, taking advantage of our modern facilities and advanced processes, which are aimed at the continuous quality improvement (ISO 9001) and to environmental care (ISO 14001).

This experience allows us to predict that the future will go through a continuous adaptation to change, which calls for a concentration of efforts in innovation in all fields of the company. Thus, we can demand that we be identified differentially by each of our clients.

We invite you to visit our website and get to know us better.


Group companies AZTEC , have implemented a quality management system, certified since 1999 by AENOR with the «Company Registry (ER)», as proof of compliance with the requirements applicable to the UNE EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard.

The basic principles to be followed in the quality management area are defined by the General Management through the “Quality politics” of companies.


The occupational risk prevention system aims to promote the improvement of the safety and health of workers, through the application of appropriate measures and the necessary procedures, in accordance with Law 31/95 on the Prevention of Occupational Risks.

AZTECA PRODUCTS & SERVICES SLU defines its “Occupational Risk Prevention Policy” as the company’s guidelines and objectives in terms of occupational risk prevention, and includes it in its General Policy.


AZTECA PRODUCTS SERVICES S.L.U., defines its Occupational Risk Prevention Policy as the company’s Occupational Risk Prevention guidelines and objectives, and includes them in its General Policy.
The main pillars of the Occupational Risk Prevention Policy are the following:

– The company considers the safety and health of workers as one of its main objectives
, comparable to the quality of service.
– Every effort will be made to reduce the possibility of occupational accidents and diseases
and to improve working conditions.
– The company intends to comply with current legislation regarding the prevention of
occupational accidents and diseases and the improvement of working conditions.
– Everyone who has personnel under their command is responsible for their occupational health and safety, so
must know and enforce all the rules of prevention that affect the work they do.
– Efforts will be made at all times to adapt the work to the person.
– The evolution of the available technique will be permanently taken into account.
– Try to replace what is dangerous with what involves little or no danger.
– Workers and/or their representatives shall be duly informed and instructed on the rules
and preventive measures in force for their work, and shall participate in all matters affecting
safety and health at work.
– Regarding the working conditions related to psychosocial aspects, the Management of the
company will carry out interventions aimed at establishing good human relations that
contribute to creating a good psychosocial climate.
– Regarding working conditions related to ergonomic aspects, the company, with the
support of the workers and the advice of the specialists of the prevention services,
will carry out interventions trying to reduce physical and/or mental fatigue and increase the level of
satisfaction of the worker, as well as his or her performance.

Approval date: November 12, 2017


AZTECA PRODUCTS & SERVICES SLU , hereinafter AZTECA , is a company dedicated to the commercialization of coatings for the environment of the habitat and the manufacture of ceramic products; all of them aimed at solving the needs of our clients and prescribers, and always through our services.

Aware of the impact that our activities can have on the environment that surrounds us, the General Management of AZTECA establishes a commitment to respect and protect the environment, defining the following guidelines as the basis of its environmental policy:

– Disseminate this environmental policy among all company employees, promoting the development of good environmental practices in each of the jobs.

– The measures established by the environmental management system must be complied with by all the personnel of AZTEC . The responsibility of evaluating the conformity of the work carried out, from its environmental impact component, corresponds to its own authors.

– Develop a process of continuous improvement of our environmental behavior, based on the ISO 14001 standard, which guarantees the control and progressive reduction of the environmental impacts created, adopting measures aimed at the prevention of pollution and the correct treatment of environmental aspects produced (recovery, recycling, …).

– Periodically define environmental objectives and goals, which embody the commitment to continuous improvement, relying on the performance of audits to measure the effectiveness of the system.

– Comply with the requirements established by current legislation on environmental matters, as well as any other commitment that the company subscribes.

AZTEC undertakes to make this policy available to any external interested party who wishes to consult it (employees, clients, suppliers, neighbors, Administration, etc.).


Approval Date: August 30, 2011

Edition: 5

Green Living


Green Living by AZTECA represents our commitment to society, to the environment that surrounds us, to people and to the environment. We value the past, manage the present and fight for a sustainable future, not only from an environmental point of view, but also from an economic and social point of view.

Because we believe in what we do, we are willing that the daily work of the company and our way of working favor a better environment for everyone, fully assuming our social and environmental responsibility, so fundamental today.

And how we do it?

Through a Quality and Environment Management department created in 1998, responsible for coordinating all environmental actions related to AZTECA’s activities.

Implementing and developing an environmental management system based on the UNE EN ISO 14001 standard, certified by AENOR-IQNET since 2003.

Expressing and defining our commitment to the Environment, through the development of an Environmental Policy, which includes the demanding management guidelines that comprise it.

Accrediting us with the Integrated Environmental Authorization, a certificate that encompasses all the legal requirements that apply to AZTECA’s activities today.

Green Living by AZTECA is part of us, of our way of doing and living the world, our world. Let’s start by applying the change we would like to see in ourselves.


Because the environment that surrounds us belongs to everyone, we must respect it and take care of it as much as possible

Our effort to maintain a good environmental balance makes us very aware of the impact that the company’s activity can cause it. Therefore, by certifying ourselves according to the ISO14001 standard, we obtain the opportunity to analyze the impact we generate on the environment, also providing us with the appropriate tools to manage, minimize or cancel it as far as possible.

Our responsibility leads us, in the same way, to actively involve ourselves in all the working groups in this regard created at the sectoral level. This allows us, among other things, to expand our knowledge of environmental matters that can contribute to efficiently managing Azteca Cerámica’s activity and, above all, when making decisions that can directly affect the environment in which we find ourselves.

Being consistent with our philosophy and our commitment to these issues has led us to take out Environmental Responsibility Insurance to react to those uncontrolled situations that may arise and have a negative effect on the Environment. Despite the fact that current legislation does not yet require us to do so, we intend to take out this insurance, which is an act of responsibility by allowing us to restore its natural balance as quickly and efficiently as possible in the event of any unwanted impact on the environment.


Minimizing the impact of our actions at all levels, both visible and acoustic, translates into a cleaner environment for everyone.

In order to reduce the noise we emit abroad, we have adopted all the necessary measures and made the necessary investments to guarantee that the sounds we produce are as minimal as possible, complying at all times with the limits established by law.

In addition, we are committed, in the event that a new source of noise pollution arises, to study each case in depth and apply the necessary soundproofing measures to reduce or even eliminate it as far as possible.


Adjusting our activity to the permitted limits benefits us all

In order to reduce emissions into the atmosphere and reduce their danger, we have installed the necessary measurements and filters to retain polluting gases and thus comply with the limits set by legislation and the Kyoto Protocol to mitigate the greenhouse effect and , with this, global warming.


Let us all take care of what belongs to all, looking for sustainable ways of producing, for the benefit of the environment.

Water is essential for the survival of all known forms of life on our planet, for this reason, it is essential to promote its responsible and efficient use.

In order to regulate water consumption, we carry out a monthly control, both globally and in each of the company’s areas. This allows us to detect possible leaks or inefficiencies and correct them, in addition to points susceptible to reduction or use of consumption, such as the case of wastewater that is 100% reused in what we call “zero discharge”.


Being aware that what we acquire will generate waste makes us socially responsible people

We have been actively involved in the management and improvement of containers and packaging, creating an exclusive internal work group. From this group arise actions focused on reducing, not only the quantities of packaging that we put on the market, but also their environmental quality, since we minimize the contaminating substances in their composition.

In addition to the awareness and the work that we develop internally to favor the eco-efficiency of the materials that we use for containers and packaging, we are also involved in the external management of the same, participating in two Integrated Management Systems to promote, with your help and commitment, the recycling of these materials: Interseroh in Germany and Ecoembes in Spain, of which we are adhered to the Ecoembes Business Plan for the Prevention of Packaging.


To minimize the consumption of resources and energy…

We seek a balance between production and the impact generated on the environment.

One of our main objectives in environmental matters is to reduce the consumption of resources and energy as much as possible, always using the raw materials and fuels that have the least impact on our environment.


These are the measures we are currently developing:

1. Use of natural gas as fuel during the manufacturing process, as it is the option that projects the least harmful gases to the outside, and that together with the filters installed in the chimneys, allow their emission to be minimized considerably.

2. We also take advantage of the large amount of heat generated in the kilns during the ceramic firing stage for other processes, such as drying the pieces. In this way we manage to reduce the consumption of new resources and energy in subsequent phases.

3. Our constant updating in terms of new technologies allows us to be more efficient in the decorative process of ceramic pieces, since we reduce the use of machinery and resources thanks to digital inkjet printing.

4. The proximity of quarries to our facilities favors the use of their raw materials, thus cooperating in reducing greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere associated with their management and transport.

5. Finally, another important measure applied is the recovery and subsequent reincorporation into the production process of the production losses that are generated, such as raw rejection, cooking or wastewater, with which we considerably reduce the consumption of new materials. cousins.


Being aware of the adverse effects that waste generates for public health and the environment makes us put all our efforts into managing it efficiently.

At Azteca we are pleased to announce that we have and we comply with conviction, an action plan that allows us to reduce the waste generated, reduce its dangerousness and favor recycling and reuse of the same.

Some of the actions we have implemented are:

The selective segregation of waste from the moment it is generated, by means of buckets and containers that are perfectly identified and located in their corresponding place. This work facilitates its management in the most efficient way possible.

At the same time, we managed to reduce the consumption of raw materials by recovering and reincorporating raw and cooked rejects and wastewater into the industrial process.

On the other hand, we try to manage all the waste correctly, so that those that cannot be reused internally are delivered to authorized managers, prioritizing their recovery and recycling rather than depositing them in landfills.