Trendy ceramic formats

The format of the tile is one of the most important aspects when deciding which option to place in a given space, beyond the style or design of the piece, the format can bring a different personality to each project.

From tiles as small as 5x15cm, to large formats of 90×90 or 120×120 cm. through irregular or geometric formats… there is an immense range of possibilities. The selection of one format or another will condition the framework in which we will consider the installation of the tile. In this post we discover the trendy formats and the advantages and disadvantages that you should take into account before making your choice.



In this group of formats we can include those pieces that have a size of less than 30×30 cm. This group of formats has burst onto the market as a trend in interior design that promises to be with us for a long time. We are talking about formats such as 20×20 or 15×15 cm. or the famous 5X15, 5×25 or 5×50 cm. metro tiles, which are increasingly present in the design and decoration projects of the main international architectural firms. In the last conventions and fairs we have even seen the launching of triangular or hexagonal geometric formats with sizes such as 23×27 cm. that give a fresh air to these small format collections.

However, what does a small format bring to our space?

It can provide us with an infinite variety of decorative possibilities, since the combinations with this type of tile are much more versatile and attractive than with larger formats.

Handling, installation and even transportation of these tiles is much simpler and more efficient than that of large formats.

It is the ideal format for decoration projects or specific spaces in the home, for example bed headboards, kitchen benches, carpets or simply specific partitions or uncomfortable pillars.

We advise to avoid this type of tile for large spaces, except for decorative proposals, as it tends to generate a feeling of dwarfing the space.




60×60, 60×120, 40×120, 90×90… 120×120 cm. an endless range of formats that can be adapted to any room or space you want to tile. In this case we must advise you to choose the right format depending on the size of the space you want to install. That is to say, larger spaces tend to accept larger formats better, it is simple but be careful because an excessively large format can be too pretentious and vice versa.



For example, a conventional living room in a traditional home can perfectly accept a 60×60 or 60×120 cm format. However, in a large open space, for example in a shopping mall, a restaurant, a hotel or an exhibition, we could consider options of 90×90 and even 120×120 cm.



Within this group of formats it is also worth mentioning the tabica or slat type formats that are becoming more and more important in the market. These are formats such as 20×120, 30×120 cm, etc. and although they have traditionally been associated with wood, they are increasingly being adapted to different product families, offering solutions for any space in the home.

Large formats, such as what we have seen, bring an unparalleled elegance to the space, creating a sense of spaciousness, elegance and continuity. They do not have as many joints as the small format and although the installation is somewhat more expensive than in smaller sizes, the space will be much more compact, uniform and minimalist.



There are other less conventional formats that are bursting with force in recent years in the world of interior design. These are triangular formats, hexagonal formats or even pieces with different shapes, such as leaves or teardrops. In this subset of formats we can find both small and large formats but they will always have that irregular shape that characterizes them.



These formats will offer you modern, modern, innovative and dynamic spaces and although sometimes the installation can be really complex due to the particularity of its shapes, it is the most suitable option for the most daring and groundbreaking users.



Finally, keep in mind that all ceramic formats are fully compatible and in many occasions in the combination and mixture of two types of formats, you can find an innovative solution.

You can propose, for example, a mix of subway tiles with large formats, this can bring dynamism and aesthetic beauty that you will not be able to achieve in a mono-format space.



In Azteca we have plenty of solutions for any format that can help you create a trendy design and interior design project. Check it out!