Press releases

Azteca updates its website to respond to the needs of all its users

We are reorganizing our website, and at the same time, we are incorporating new sections, in accordance with the comments we have received from our collaborators and customers The possibility of consulting and making searches of the entire catalogue, including the...

Azteca presents Real Madrid ceramic tiles

Azteca has reached an agreement with Real Madrid regarding the creation of line of ceramic tiles for floors and walls which show the Football Club’s official image, including the team shield and a photo of the players. The ceramics company Azteca and Real Madrid have...

Azteca celebrates its 50th anniversary

1962, the year Azteca was founded, marks the start of our company’s constant evolution towards ever higher, more complex objectives. We have left behind old ideas, technologies and processes which in their day were considered cutting edge. Our focus on progress and...

AZTECA invests in design, innovation and services

We are renewing machinery and creating new production lines. We have made major investments in two areas so far this year, to improve the quality and service of our production plant in L’Alcora (Castellón-España). This is yet more proof of our commitment to remaining...